This would have to be the least thought about part of your property, until there is a problem! So often we ask people where their meter box is, and they have to pause and think. As boring as they are, they need maintenance just like the rest of a structure.
The newest version of AS3000:2018 (our main rule book) has just been released. One of the main changes is the level of protection that circuits require. This is designed to save injury to people and property when fault conditions arise, as well as offering peace of mind that your equipment is safe to use and protected.
Living in the Illawarra, meter boxes often end up rusting to the point of letting water in, or connections can heat up over time, leading to one of the main cases of electrical damage, the "hot joint."
Avoiding these main issues can save a lot of heartache and money.
We offer a full meter box inspection service, and as Level 2 electricians and Activestream and Acumen metering technician accreditation, we carry lower overheads when quoting this work (to save you money to spend on more interesting things.)
We also have a full fabrication service, so we manufacture and prewire our panels at the workshop before we turn up so that the interruption to your power is as short as possible.
All our quotes are obligation free, so call or sms us today for a main switch board check up!